
Why Service Your Boiler?

 Preparing Your Home for Winter

    There is nothing worse than putting the heating on as the temperature starts to drop in Autumn only to discover that your gas boiler is faulty or, worse, completely broken. So I would recommend that you get your boiler serviced during the summer months before the colder months arrive. 

    Preparing your home for Winter, and keeping your boiler healthy, ensures that you and your family are kept safe. It helps reduce costs as you won't be paying for increased fuel usage due to an undiscovered fault.  I will be carrying out essential checks on your gas boiler to help make it keeps going no matter the weather.  Not having an annual service can impact on your boilers performance possibly making your home unsafe and may increase your energy expenses. 

    Having your Gas boiler serviced regularly can increase its working life to 15  years or more. So it makes sense to service it regularly.

    So, how often should you get your boiler serviced?  Manufactures recommend annual checks on your boiler to make sure that it is running properly, and any problems can be identified and sorted out before it becomes an issue. 



Keep Your Energy Expenses Low

    As part of your annual gas boiler service, I will be checking that your gas boiler is running efficiently. This will help you to save money over time. Improving your boiler’s efficiency and having a regular service can prevent sooting and aluminium oxides from accumulating on your boilers heat exchanger which will enable the boiler to run smoothly and efficiently and help reduce fuel consumption. Allowing you to keep energy costs low and reducing your environmental impact helping to keep your carbon footprint low.



Keep Your Boiler Under Warranty

    By not having your gas boiler serviced annually it could invalidate your warranty and this will stop you from receiving any benefits that come with it. Many manufacturer guarantees require you to book a Gas Safe registered engineer every year. I can then check for any issues and helps prevent boiler breakdowns. As  warranties are now generally 7 years and longer,  on some Make and  Models can be as long as 13 years, it would be silly not to regularly service your boiler.



Save Money on Unwanted Repairs

    Regular checks and maintenance on your gas boiler can improve the reliability of your heating system and minimise any future repairs. An annual inspection can help fix any issues right away, so your boiler is less likely to break down later on. 

    One of the most important ways to look after your boiler is to get it serviced every 12 months by a Gas Safe registered engineer. Regular checks can discover issues that, if left unresolved these could turn into more significant problems which could be costly to repair and may even lead to you needing a boiler replacement.



Extend the Lifespan of Your Boiler

    A well-maintained and healthy gas boiler will most likely have a longer working life than a boiler that hasn't been serviced. Regular maintenance and inspections will not only keep your boiler running smoothly and efficiently but will  also help to identify and rectify minor issues which could improve the lifespan of your boiler.



Keep Your Family and Friends Safe

    The most significant advantage of having an annual gas boiler service is ensuring your home is a safer place for you and your family. A  damaged and faulty boiler could potentially lead to gas and carbon monoxide leaks into your home. Carbon monoxide is a deadly gas, unfortunately it is clear and odourless making it particularly dangerous. Preventing the release of carbon monoxide into your home could save your life.  Having the boiler serviced annually will help to catch any faults early, potentially protecting your home and family from carbon monoxide poisoning.



 What to expect during your service

    It will take between 50 to 90 minutes for me to service your boiler depending on the Make and Model. Many companies will only take 30 minutes, but will not conduct a thorough check of your boiler.

   I will strip down the boiler and clean the Gaskets, Heat exchanger and Spark Electrodes. If any of these need to be replaced I will have a discussion with you about it as there would be an extra charge for any replacement parts.

    Using Manufacture's Data, I will make sure the boiler is operating correctly and all Safety Devices are working. I will test that the flue Gases are the correct ratios, and that the the system is operating at the correct pressures. Depending on the make and model I many need to set up the Air/Gas Ratio.

    The expansion tank will be checked and charged. Any filters on the heating circuit, if fitted, will be cleaned and the Heating Water Tested for its quality.

    At the end of the service I will check to make sure no carbon monoxide is escaping into your home keeping you and your family safe.

   The home owner or the responsible person will then be given a report and any recommendations.